For K-12 & Early Childhood Leaders

Work With The Grownups Without Losing Your Mind   

Regain Your Passion . . .Recharge Your Purpose . . .And Reignite The Very Best In Yourself & In Your School

Can I be real with you?

The Pressures On Educational Leaders Are Unrelenting! 

You know what I'm talking about, right?

You pour heart and soul into your people, and not only your students. You're tirelessly doing all you can to support and engage the adults - teachers, staff, parents, administrators, and even your own supervisors or board members.  

And yet, if you're like me and many of the leaders I'm blessed to work with, it often feels like no matter what you do . . . no matter how much you give . . . it's never enough. The complaints, conflicts, gossip, resistance, and unreasonable demands just won't let up.  

You're not alone.  

Unprecedented numbers of school leaders are experiencing unmanageable levels of exhaustion, stress, and even burnout. Too many are seeking opportunities to leave the profession entirely.  

It's heart-wrenching to see some of the most caring and creative among us losing hope. 

There Is A Better Way!
One That Doesn't Require You To . . . 


Dread checking your phone & email messages, anticipating the next round of complaints pouring in.


Drown in ongoing adult drama keeping you from the work you know will make the greatest positive impact.


Endure disrespect and even abuse when some do not get precisely what they want.


Burn yourself out, sacrificing your own wellbeing and wondering whether remaining in your school, or even remaining in education at all, is worth it.

Working Well With The Adults . . .
Even (Or Especially) The Difficult Adults

-----------Is What Let's Your---------

School Thrive!

And the painful truth is that until you find a way to handle challenging adult behaviors, school culture & quality will continue to decline, along with your own peace of mind.

Hey There!
I'm Dr. Shira

After more than 25 years leading schools through good times and bad, I became convinced that there had to be a better way. Too many school leaders I respect were struggling with a wide range of challenging adult behaviors. Truth . . . so was I.

It was painful. Not only was the pressure unrelenting . . . it was keeping me from focusing on what I love most about this work, and what I know makes the greatest positive impact.

I was actively seeking solutions . . . reading the books, taking the courses, attending the trainings, and engaging with wise peers, coaches, and mentors. And yes . . . I developed expertise. I even began writing the books, teaching the courses, facilitating the trainings, and providing the coaching and mentoring that I wanted, but hadn't found. I even opened my own school so that I could do things differently.

It wasn't enough.

So, I searched, not just for strategies, but for a leadership model that could support me to work with the adults . . . even the challenging adults . . . to create and implement a shared vision, grounded in what actually matters most.

When I couldn't find what I needed, I created it.

I call the approach Purpose Inspired Education (PIE) and it's been EPIC for my school and for the schools of the pioneering leaders who've been working with me.

And now, you can learn and apply the approach too so that you can regain your passion, recharge your purpose, and reignite the very best in yourself and in your school.

Purpose Inspired Education (PIE) Academy!

The step-by-step system to lead with purpose so that you can handle challenging adult behaviors and reignite the best in yourself & in your school

When You Enroll In PIE Academy, You're Getting:


Weekly Office Hours  to address your questions and solve your challenges.


Workshops to develop the knowledge and skills to lead far more effectively.


Resource Materials to help you achieve your goals on your own time & at your own pace.


A community of exceptional school leaders who understand the challenges you're going through.

 Here's what other educators like you have to say about how Purpose Inspired Education Academy helped them:

Terri Bercasio
Founder, Rising Stars Schools

Working with Shira has helped me uplevel my leadership skills as I open new schools and expand on the innovative programming for children and their families in my schools. I've gained clarity on my schools' purpose, and  confidence in implementing my vision. Though a grounding in vision and purpose, I've been able to more clearly define my role as a leader as well as the roles of each member of my leadership team. I've been able to support and inspire my team as together we focus on our ambitious goals.

Erica Piper Owner And Director,
Sage Child Development Center

Participating in PIE Academy helped me to concisely articulate my school’s purpose and see how that purpose can be woven into all facets of my school community. Being grounded in that purpose enables me to move forward more confidently as I launch a new school. I also found the camaraderie and insights of Shira and the other participants to be informative, motivating and a great source of accountability in making progress toward implementing my vision and fulfilling my purpose.

Imagine Having The Clarity, Focus, & Purpose To Confidently Handle Whatever Challenges Adults Bring Your Way, Including:

Unrelenting, unreasonable demands

Fighting, gossip, and backstabbing 

Excessive absences 

Dramatic displays of frustration and discontent

Anxiety and overwhelm

Lackluster performance and resistance to support offered

Slander against your school 

Unfounded or unfair accusations against you

With Purpose Inspired Education Academy, you'll regain your passion, recharge your purpose, and reignite the very best in yourself & in your school!

And, you can enroll now for just $49 a month or $490 a year (that's two months free for annual members).

 That's massive value for your investment.
Plus, you get to keep your low monthly or annual rate for as long as you remain a member, even as the price goes up . . . and the price will go up.
In fact, this may well be the last time PIE Academy will be offered at this incredibly low investment.

An hour of my time for one on one coaching is $350.
But you can come to PIE office hours every week for just $49 a month.
Plus you get training, resources, and a community of leaders who understand what you're going through.

This offer can't be beat!
So . . . are you in?

In case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in yourself
Here's my no questions asked guarantee.

I'm 100% committed to your success.  

So, when paying by the month, you can cancel at any time.
Your commitment is only one month - $49 - at a time.  

If you enroll for the year, and you're not 100% satisfied within the first 30 days, I'll gladly offer you a full refund. No questions asked.  

That means you can enroll today and you don't even have to decide if you're in for good!  Take 30 days to check out the experience and then make a decision given the information you have, rather than the information you don't.  

Sound fair?

What you want is within reach

You just have to grab it.

 I’ve taken my years of experience and created a system that you can plug into your school. The approach is fully customizable, so it works without you having to sacrifice what makes you unique.

But most importantly, this system helps you deal with un-grown-up-like behavior, and finally implement a shared vision with clarity, focus, and purpose.

Cool? Cool!

Got Questions? I've Got Answers!

What do I get when I join Purpose Inspired Education Academy?
You get weekly office hours,  pre-recorded and live training opportunities in the purpose inspired education approach, and a community of purpose inspired educators invested in your success.

When do the office hours and live trainings take place?
Office hours are once a week, alternating between afternoon and evening sessions to accommodate different schedules. Currently office hours take place on Wednesdays, alternating between 2 PM EDT sessions and 8 PM EDT sessions. In addition, you'll get to participate in the development of training materials for the program. You'll receive notification of when these live training sessions will take place.

What if I can't make it to some or all of the office hours and live trainings?
Come to as many or as few of the live sessions as work for you.  All training sessions will be recorded. If you have a question and can't make it to office hours, you can reach out via email for support, so that you always have access to the assistance that will help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.  

How do I know if Purpose Inspired Education Academy is right for me?
PIE Academy is  designed for early childhood and K-12 school leaders who want to work effectively with their people, address challenges with adults, and lead with clarity, focus and purpose, so that they can significantly up-level the culture and quality of their schools.

How much time will it take to apply the approach and gain momentum?
Office hours last between 60 and 90 minutes weekly. And, you'll be able to connect via email, so that you get the help you need, when you need it. Then spend as much or as little time as you choose implementing the approach and exploring pre-recorded materials to get the support you need to achieve your goals.

What if I need extra support?
In the weekly office hours there will be training as well as an opportunity for questions. You also get email access so that you can submit your questions.

What if I have more questions before I decide whether or not to enroll?
Email me: [email protected]
It's important to me to offer you the support you need to make the decision best for you.

Purpose Inspired Education Academy

$49 USD

per month

Enroll Now

Purpose Inspired Education Academy

$490 USD

per year

Enroll Now