Leading schools . . . especially high quality schools
that are grounded in an inspiring vision . . . is hard!
Honestly . . . it's way too hard to do alone.
Great schools need great leadership teams.
One solitary leader . . . no matter how capable . . . isn't enough.
Yet building and supporting a rock star leadership team
is among the hardest tasks school leaders face.
Creating a culture in which students and teachers thrive begins with leadership.
And in this workshop you'll learn the key steps to build & support your rockstar team.
Learn the craft of:
Specify the broad areas of responsibility necessary to guide your school forward, grounded in what actually matters most to the success and wellbeing of your students & their families, as well as your teachers & staff.
Craft a team of individuals . . . whether full time leaders or teachers with leadership roles . . . who each have individual leadership roles and who also work collaboratively as a team, with a shared sense of purpose.
Craft your plan for school improvement, incorporating the perspectives of each of your leaders and teachers, and providing for both clear direction and enough flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.
You just have to grab it. I’ve taken twenty-five years of experience as a principal of pre-k through eighth grade schools, and as the owner of a childcare center, and turned it into a system you can use to build and support your own rock star school leadership team. The approach is fully customizable so it works without you having to sacrifice what makes you unique.
In fact, I’m going to help you gain greater clarity on what it is that makes you unique. But most importantly... this approach takes all the guesswork out of designing a leadership team that will work together with a sense of joy, connection, vision, and purpose.
You've got heart, vision, and so much to offer your students, your teachers, and the field of education. And you'll gain so much momentum once you cultivate your own rock star leadership team.
That's exactly why this approach is vital. You have students to serve. You have important contributions to offer. Let’s make sure you can move forward with the support and talent your school deserves.
Cool? Cool!