Finally . . . Work Effectively With The Adults In Your School (Even The Difficult Ones), Without Losing Your Mind!

If you're a school leader committed to supporting not only your students, but also the adults in your school, working together to  improve school culture Purpose Inspired Education (PIE) Academy is for you!

Can I be real with you?

Working With The Grownups In Our Schools Is Harder Than It's Ever Been 

You know what I'm talking about, right? 

You pour heart and soul into your people, and not only your students. You're tirelessly doing all you can to support and engage the adults - teachers, staff, parents, and even your own supervisors or board members.

And yet, if you're like me and many of the leaders I'm blessed to work with, it often feels like no matter what you do . . . no matter how much you give . . . it's never enough.  The dreaded call outs, dips in morale, complaints, conflicts, resistance, and unreasonable demands can be unrelenting.

You're not alone.  Unprecedented numbers of school leaders are experiencing unmanageable levels of exhaustion, stress, and even burnout. Too many are seeking opportunities to leave the profession entirely.

It's painful to see some of the most caring and creative among us losing hope.

There is A Better Way To Lead Your School. 
You Know, One That Doesn't Require You To . . . 


Cross your fingers and hope to hire and retain exceptional teachers who deliver the quality learning and care you're dedicated to offering.


Dread checking your phone & email messages, anticipating the next round of complaints pouring in.


Drown in ongoing parent, teacher & staff drama, distracting you from what you know will actually make the greatest positive impact.


Burn yourself out, sacrificing your own wellbeing and wondering whether remaining in your school, or even remaining in education at all, is worth it.

If any of these problems are relatable, chances are you've been trapped in the role of Stressed Out Administrator.

You're not alone! This job is stressful!

 You can alleviate the stress and make the impact you seek, by stepping into the role of Purpose Inspired Educator.

Because Purpose Inspired Educators Do Things Differently!

Stressed Out Administrators

Have a static vision statement that few in their school live by or even remember

Spend massive amounts of their time responding to crises, small and large

Are stuck in the expectations of an outdated, standardized system that is slow to adapt

Purpose Inspired Educators

Co-create an inspiring, evolving vision with their teachers 

Have effective systems & impactful training in place so their people excel with way less stress

Courageously innovate, redesigning school to better meet the needs of students & teachers

Purpose Inspired Educators Are Visionaries . . . 

They take risks  . . . even when it's uncomfortable.

They find solutions . . . even when they've been told it's impossible.

They operate from possibility . . . instead of from their circumstances.

And they know that the most effective way to dramatically improve school culture & quality is to lead with clarity, focus and purpose.

Hey There!
I'm Dr. Shira

After more than 25 years leading schools through good times and bad, I'm here to help you move from the "crisis response" leadership model and into vision & purpose mode.

But first . . . let's address the elephant in the room.

School leaders are bombarded by unrelenting demands, expectations, aggravation, anger, and even abuse from other adults in schools.

I get it.  

I reached my own "no more of this!" moment a few years back,  finally deciding I was no longer willing to accept the poor behavior among adults that had caused me so much distress throughout my career.

I searched for a new leadership model - one that would help me work far more effectively with the other adults in my school, so that I could improve culture and quality without totally losing my mind. When I couldn't find the model I knew I needed, I created it.

I call the model Purpose Inspired Education (PIE) and it's been  EPIC for my school and for the schools of the pioneering school leaders I'm blessed to work with. 

Purpose Inspired Education (PIE) Academy!

Purpose Inspired Education Academy isn't just another leadership PD program.
It's the full step-by-step system to engage your people in improving the culture & quality of your school. 

And in Purpose Inspired Education Academy, You'll Plug Into This Step By Step System To Transform From Stressed Out Administrator Into Purpose Inspired Educator!

Redesign The Fundamentals 
Redesign static vision, mission, and core values statements into inspiring, evolving guides that propel you forward.  You'll co-create an evolving vision with your people, support ongoing implementation of that vision, and ground your decisions in a shared sense of purpose.

Gain Momentum 
Change doesn't have to be slow, and it doesn't have to be painful. With the tools and resources to identify and focus on what actually matters most to you and to your people, you'll overcome confusion, overwhelm, and resistance so that you can quickly make  strides in improving school culture and quality.

Cultivate People, Programs & Processes
The three most significant pillars in the design of any school are our people, our programs & our processes. When you apply clarity, focus, & purpose to your work with people, program and processes, you' experience exponential improvement.

Set New Milestones
As you identify resources and possibilities for ongoing growth, you'll no longer dread challenge. You'll embrace the opportunities that challenge offers you, feeling energized by the possibilities to continue to uplevel the culture and quality of your school.

Wondering how this approach could work for you?
Here's what some of our past program participants have to say.

Terri Bercasio
Founder, Rising Stars Schools

Working with Shira in PIE Academy has helped me uplevel my leadership skills as I open new schools and expand on the innovative programming for children and their families in my schools. I've gained clarity on my schools' purpose, and  confidence in implementing my vision. Though a grounding in vision and purpose, I've been able to more clearly define my role as a leader as well as the roles of each member of my leadership team. I've been able to support and inspire my team as together we focus on our ambitious goals.

Erica Piper
Owner And Director, Sage Child Development Center

Participating in PIE Academy helped me to concisely articulate my school’s purpose and see how that purpose can be woven into all facets of my school community. Being grounded in that purpose enables me to move forward more confidently as I launch a new school. I also found the camaraderie and insights of Shira and the other participants to be informative, motivating and a great source of accountability in making progress toward implementing my vision and fulfilling my purpose.

See What's Waiting For You Inside PIE Academy When You Enroll Today . . . 

10 Weeks Of Personalized Support To Transform Your School, Including:

A Kickoff Hands-On Planning Session
You'll dive deep into your vision & purpose, as well as challenges you face, so that you can chart your personalized path to success.

10 Group Coaching Sessions
Ask questions, and share your challenges, so that you can receive feedback and gain clarity on your next steps forward.

Weekly Individualized Support 
Email your questions & receive  personalized answers. This is a great option for when you can't make it to the live coaching sessions or for when you want your questions and situations you are facing to remain entirely private.

4 Live Workshops
Participate in immersive workshops supporting you in the essential steps to engage your people in upleveling the culture and quality of your school.  

Live Workshop Topics

Workshop One:
When Vision Is A Verb
Whether you love, detest or even remember your school vision and mission statements, so much more is possible when you approach vision as a verb. And in this interactive workshop you'll do the work to supplement, or even fully replace, your vision and mission statements with a dynamic approach to designing and living vision & mission.

Workshop Two: 
Igniting Success Even When Stressed 
Identify and cultivate the most essential resources to fuel progress, so that you can effectively support, inspire, and engage your people. Focus on what will be most effective in building momentum, assisting you to significantly uplevel the culture & quality of your school.

Workshop Three:
Solve Your People Problems 
Even in the best run schools, people get stressed and morale can easily dampen. When it does, it's vital to uncover the root cause of what's stressing, or even distressing, your people. With that understanding, it becomes far easier to identify and implement impactful solutions.

Workshop Four:
The Inner Game Of School Leadership
When you tap into your own personal sense of purpose, and intentionally develop your inner qualities of character,  possibilities for your school you had not previously imagined emerge.  Explore ways of tapping into your inner resources and  personal sense of purpose, elevating your role and increasing your impact.

But That's Not All . . .
In addition to the live training and coaching, you get immediate access to a self-paced course guiding you as you uplevel the culture and quality of your school.

The Six Module Self-Paced Course Includes:

🌈Module One: Reimagine🌈
A New Model For Leadership

 Reimagine education so that your school can truly stand out by what you and your people stand for, providing exceptional culture and quality.

🔎Module Two: Discover 🔍
Putting Purpose At The Core

Discover the power of shared purpose, daring to define what will truly enhance success and wellbeing for your students and for your teachers, both now and well into the future.

🪴Module Three: Cultivate🪴
Purpose Inspired Relationships

Cultivate relationships, strengthening communication and collaboration among teachers, students and families in your school community. 

🎨Module Four: Create🎨
Purpose Inspired Culture

Create a positive school culture bringing members of your school community together to craft and implement programs, policies, and procedures that draw you closer to one another, while upleveling the culture and quality of your school.

🛳️Module Five: Navigate🛳️
Authenticity And Purpose

Navigate through challenges, calling upon inner and outer resources so that you not only overcome difficulty and adversity, but get better in the process.

🦋Module Six: Transform🦋
Your Evolving Purpose

Transform in the face of change, celebrating accomplishments, and charting the next phase of your journey forward, gaining even more momentum so that you can continue to increase your impact, with less stress and more joy.

And now you can enroll in this first pioneering cohort of PIE Academy and Group Coaching for 3 monthly installments of just $350
or save $250 when you pay in full, and enroll for a one time investment of only $800

That's a huge saving off what the program will cost for future cohorts.

Let's Recap:
When You Enroll In Purpose Inspired Education (PIE) Academy, You Get:

Chart Your Path To Success:
Our Kickoff Hands-On Planning Session
(Value: $500)

Ten Group Coaching Sessions
(Value: $5,000)

Live Workshop One:
Vision Is A Verb (Value: $500)

Live Workshop Two:
Ignite The Best In Yourself, In Your People, And In Your School (Value: $500)

Live Workshop Three:
Solve Your People Problems (Value: $500)

Live Workshop Four:
The Inner Game Of School Leadership
(Value: $500)

Lifetime Access To The Workshops
(Value: $2,500)

Email Access To Get Your Questions Answered
(Value: $1,000)

Module One:
A New Model For Leadership (Value $250)

Module Two:
Putting Purpose At The Core (Value: $250)

Module Three:
Purpose Inspired Relationships (Value: $250)

Module Four:
Purpose Inspired Culture (Value: $250)

Module Five:
Authenticity And Purpose (Value: $250)

Module Six:
Your Evolving Purpose (Value: $250)

Lifetime Access To The Recorded Course & All Future Course Upgrades (Value: $3,500)

Participation in The Purpose Inspired Education Community
(Value: Priceless)

Total Program Value: $16,000
For future cohorts, the investment to enroll will be $1600

But you can enroll in this first pioneering cohort
for 3 monthly installments of just $350
or save $250 when you pay in full, and enroll for a one time investment of only $800

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in yourself
Here's my no questions asked 30 day commitment 

I'm 100% committed to your success.
If you're not 100% satisfied within the first 30 days of training and coaching,
I'll gladly offer you a full refund.

That means you can enroll today and you don't even have to decide if you're in for good!

Take 30 days to check out the experience and then make a decision given the information you have,  rather than the information you don't.

Sound fair?

What you want is within reach

You just have to grab it.

I’ve taken my years of experience and created a system that you can plug into your school. The approach is fully customizable, so it works without you having to sacrifice what makes you unique.  

But most importantly, this system helps you engage your people in implementing a shared vision with clarity, focus, and purpose. It helps you work with the adults in your school, even the difficult adults, to significantly uplevel the culture and quality of your school.

Cool? Cool!

Got Q's? I've got answers!

What are the dates for PIE Academy?
The fall 2024 cohort of PIE Academy is running from August through October. The 10 coaching coaching sessions will happen weekly, alternating between day and evening times to accommodate different schedules.  The live training sessions including the kickoff planning session and the four immersive workshops will also alternate between day and evening times to accommodate different schedules. When you enroll, you'll get the full calendar of events.  You'll also have lifetime access to the course and the trainings, including all future upgrades to the course.

What if I can't make it to some or all of the weekly calls?
Come to as many or as few of the live sessions as work for you. The kickoff planning call and five workshops will be recorded, and you'll receive the replays so you can watch at your convenience. In the group coaching calls, we'll be delving into challenges you face and so, to protect privacy, we don't record those calls. Come to as many or as few as works for you, so that you get the support you need. You can also reach out via email for support, so that you have multiple options for support on the specific challenges occurring in your school.

How do I know if PIE Academy is right for me?
PIE Academy is  designed for early childhood and K-12 school leaders who want to engage their people, even their difficult people so that they can signficantly uplevel the culture and quality of their schools.

How much time will it take to apply the approach and gain momentum?
PIE Academy is self-paced by design, so you can move at your own speed. And, the beauty of the PIE approach is that it is customized to apply to the work you're already doing. From the very first module, you'll gain skills to implement immediately, gaining meaningful quick wins, building momentum quickly. And, with lifetime access, you'll be able to return to the course material whenever you feel a refresher would be valuable. To move through the course within the 10 weeks of group coaching, I recommend dedicating about an hour a week in addition to attending the live sessions.That said, you can modify and do more or less. The course materials are yours forever!

Where do I access the course ?
Once you enroll, you'll receive an email giving you a calendar of trainings, and zoom links to access the trainings. You'll also receive access to the  portal where the course modules will be.

What if I need extra support?
In the weekly group coaching sessions there will be training as well as an opportunity for questions, and dedicated time to delve into questions you have related to your own work. You also get email access so that you can submit your questions and receive answers.

What if I'm still not sure if PIE Academy is right for me? 
I want you to have confidence that you're making the decision that's best for you. So, I'm offering free calls for you to meet with me and get your questions answered.  

Enroll In Purpose Inspired Education Academy Today!
Your Investment For Participating In This Pioneering Corhor Is Three Installments Of Only $350
Or Pay In Full And Save, With A One-Time Investment Of Just $800